Let customers find you on our Interactive Maps
- Our maps help travelers create customized routes and travel plans that fit their needs.
- Customers can search by state, city, or zip code to find properties like yours.
- They’ll see key details, including your contact information and address.
- With online reservations enabled customers can reserve your property in three clicks from the map!
Your property may already be listed—check for your location here. If not, you can easily add or update your information for free below.
Add your property to the map
By adding your property you agree to our Terms & Conditions.
Maps FAQ
Fill out the above form and we will update your information in the locator within 24 hours. If you are interested in becoming a host you'll need to complete the host sign up. Both are free to sign up.
Fill out the above form and we will update your information in the locator within 24 hours. If you are interested in becoming a host you'll need to complete the host sign up. Both are free to sign up.
Yes adding your property to the map is free and you are not required to maintain a host account or reservations on Equine Booking.
Yes adding your property to the map is free and you are not required to maintain a host account or reservations on Equine Booking.
Simply fill out the form above with the correct information, and add any additional comments and we will make the updates on our end.
Simply fill out the form above with the correct information, and add any additional comments and we will make the updates on our end.
By submitting your property you agree to our Terms & Conditions.
By submitting your property you agree to our Terms & Conditions.
There is not cost to list your property on the maps or reservation platform. If we manage reservations for you there will be a 10% service fee paid by the owner. You can learn more about a full host account by visiting our FAQ
There is not cost to list your property on the maps or reservation platform. If we manage reservations for you there will be a 10% service fee paid by the owner. You can learn more about a full host account by visiting our FAQ
Contact info: